
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:38:04
原文上 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/57549599.html

Thirteen years later we find Gemma still working with Italian patriots. Her group is joined by a man called Rivarez, a talented writer who uses the pen-name "The Gadfly". Rivarez is, in fact, Arthur, but the hardships he has suffered in South America have changed him so much that nobody recognizes him. One day, however, Gemma confesses to the Gadfly that she was responsible for the death of Arthur because of her unfair treatment of him. To her surprise, the Gadfly responds by kissing her hand. After this she begins to suspect that the Gadfly is actually Arthur. As they become closer to one another she becomes more certain and Arthur decides to tell her the truth. Before he has the chance, however, he goes on a secret mission, promising to tell her all about himself the next time they meet. But they are not to meet a

十三年后我们发现芽体仍然工作与意大利爱国者。 她的小组由一个人参加告诉Rivarez,使用笔名字“讨厌的人”的一位有天才的作家。 Rivarez是,实际上,亚瑟,但他在南美洲遭受了的困难非常改变了他没人认可他。 一天,然而,芽体交代对讨厌的人她负责亚瑟死亡由于她的不合理待遇他。 对于她的意外,讨厌的人通过亲吻她的手反应。 在她开始怀疑的这之后讨厌的人实际上是亚瑟。 当他们成为离她变得更加确定,并且的互相较近亚瑟决定告诉她真相。 然而之前,在他有机会他在一个秘密使命去,许诺告诉她所有关于他自己,当下次他们见面。 但他们不是再见面。 亚瑟由Montanelli抓住并且拜访。 亚瑟显露他的身分对Montanelli,高兴发现他活。 他提供帮助亚瑟逃脱。 除非Montanelli给是教士并且同行陪他,亚瑟,然而,感觉无法接受提议。 无法放弃他的上帝, Montanelli拒绝。 亚瑟次日被判刑到死亡。